lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Vintage Art...

Vintage... :O ¿De qué se trata...?

 Es un término tomado del inglés, procedente a su vez del latín (‘vindemia’), para designar cualquier objeto antiguo, de diseño artístico y una factura de calidad.
el término empleado para referirse a objetos o accesorios de calidad que presentan cierta edad, los cuales sin embargo no pueden aun catalogarse como antigüedades. En la actualidad, el término se ha generalizado y se utiliza para designar instrumentos musicales, automóviles, libros o fotografías.

En la actualidad
El auge de la estética vintage se ha visto acrecentado por iconos de la moda como Dita Von Teese visten casi exclusivamente con prendas de segunda mano.
La atracción por lo vintage deriva de las siguientes razones.
  • Exclusividad: La mayoría de los productos vintage fueron producidos en pequeñas cantidades y son menos aún los que han llegado a nuestros días.
  • Calidad: La confección de este tipo de prendas suele ser exquisito. Son artículos caracterizados por su buen hacer, muchas veces de manera artesanal en su totalidad o gran parte de ella.
  • Materiales: Gran parte del género con el que se realizaron en su momento tiene hoy un precio desorbitado.
  • Valor económico: Su precio está muy alejado de prendas similares actuales. Su valor incrementa según la época a la que pertenece, el diseñador que la creó, su buen estado y en algunas ocasiones, incluso, a quién perteneció.
  • Historia: Los consumidores de este tipo de prenda dan gran valor añadido a su carga histórica. De hecho, uno de los lugares para adquirirlos son precisamente anticuarios.
  • Coleccionismo: No todo el público adquiere estos artículos para su uso. En ocasiones se crean auténticas colecciones privadas de diseño por el mero placer artístico de su posesión.
  • Acabado: El gusto por el detalle, desde la hilada hasta los botones o elementos decorativos, está realizado con un esmero del que suele carecer la moda actual.
  • Estilo: Lo vintage está asociado a personas creativas y de gusto refinado.
Tal es el valor actual de lo vintage, que las casas de moda están recurriendo a esa estética en sus nuevas colecciones.
El vintage es una manifestación de la cultura posmoderna. Es producto de la pérdida de fe en el progreso y el desencanto del motor de la innovación propia de la modernidad. Así, en vez de mirar al futuro, se recurre con nostalgia a elementos de eras pasadas, pero carentes de significado original. De esta manera, la moda se sirve del pasado por motivos meramente estéticos, donde se mezclan elementos de distintas épocas y lugares, descontextualizados de su función y razón original.
Algunos elementos que vale la pena considerar a la hora de identificar una prenda vintage se basan en la fecha de ciertos descubrimientos o prácticas comerciales. Por ejemplo, las etiquetas con instrucciones de lavado o los cierres de plástico sólo aparecieron en los años 1960. También se tiene el caso del nailon, que se descubrió en 1935, pero no llegó a Europa sino un década más tarde.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

One of my new favorite movies... :)

No Strings Attached...

No Strings Attached, directed by Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters, Kindergarten Cop), appears to your typical romantic comedy – where you’re bound to guess the start, middle, and end straight from the beginning. Despite No Strings Attached’s requisite predictability, the movie still has a unique charm that makes it different from other recent sex comedies. Personally, I had high expectations for this movie based on the trailer and I was not disappointed.
The movie’s lead characters are played by Natalie Portman (Closer, V for Vendetta) and Ashton Kutcher (Killers, Valentine’s Day), an unlikely pair, but also two of Hollywood’s most high-profiled stars. The film follows Emma (Portman), a busy doctor who doesn’t have the time for a relationship or commitment, much less love.  While Portman is more associated with serious and dramatic roles (i.e. 2010’s Black Swan), she still manages to perform well within her role. Adam (Kutcher) is an assistant on a High School Musical-type show, giving Kutcher a role he seems to fit quite well, as opposed to Portman.
The two characters first met at Camp Weehawken as teens, and for the past fifteen years, they’ve kept bumping into each other. The twist here is that Reitman pegs Emma as a non-affectionate woman, who is not desperately waiting for a man, a character type we don’t often see in romantic comedies. Emma is portrayed as someone who just wants to, “come home and have someone in [her] bed at 2 a.m. and not cuddle or have breakfast with.” And so Adam seems to be her perfect fit. But, as we all know, just being “sex friends” or “friends with benefits” almost always results in one person having feelings for the other. In this case, Adam starts to show signs of his true feelings towards Emma on their very first date, only to be immediately shut down. But is Emma really only looking for sex with Adam, or is she just afraid of enduring a broken heart? Cue the typical Hollywood ending, which nevertheless remains sweet and may just squeeze a few tears out of you!
No Strings Attached may not be a must-see, but it is worth a watch if you’re looking for a good laugh or want to see something a little different from your average rom-com. Despite its predictabilities, the little twists the director throws in make it worthwhile.

No Strings Attached, directed by Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters, Kindergarten Cop), appears to your typical romantic comedy – where you’re bound to guess the start, middle, and end straight from the beginning. Despite No Strings Attached’s requisite predictability, the movie still has a unique charm that makes it different from other recent sex comedies. Personally, I had high expectations for this movie based on the trailer and I was not disappointed.
The movie’s lead characters are played by Natalie Portman (Closer, V for Vendetta) and Ashton Kutcher (Killers, Valentine’s Day), an unlikely pair, but also two of Hollywood’s most high-profiled stars. The film follows Emma (Portman), a busy doctor who doesn’t have the time for a relationship or commitment, much less love.  While Portman is more associated with serious and dramatic roles (i.e. 2010’s Black Swan), she still manages to perform well within her role. Adam (Kutcher) is an assistant on a High School Musical-type show, giving Kutcher a role he seems to fit quite well, as opposed to Portman.
The two characters first met at Camp Weehawken as teens, and for the past fifteen years, they’ve kept bumping into each other. The twist here is that Reitman pegs Emma as a non-affectionate woman, who is not desperately waiting for a man, a character type we don’t often see in romantic comedies. Emma is portrayed as someone who just wants to, “come home and have someone in [her] bed at 2 a.m. and not cuddle or have breakfast with.” And so Adam seems to be her perfect fit. But, as we all know, just being “sex friends” or “friends with benefits” almost always results in one person having feelings for the other. In this case, Adam starts to show signs of his true feelings towards Emma on their very first date, only to be immediately shut down. But is Emma really only looking for sex with Adam, or is she just afraid of enduring a broken heart? Cue the typical Hollywood ending, which nevertheless remains sweet and may just squeeze a few tears out of you!
No Strings Attached may not be a must-see, but it is worth a watch if you’re looking for a good laugh or want to see something a little different from your average rom-com. Despite its predictabilities, the little twists the director throws in make it worthwhile.


Nicki Minaj... La nueva reina del hip-hop ;)

Nicki Minaj nació el 8 de diciembre de 1984, y creció en Queens, Nueva York. Ella es de ascendencia africana Trinidad y Indo asiática. Se graduó en LaGuardia High School en Manhattan, donde estudió canto y actuación. Nicki reveló recientemente en una entrevista para VladTV que es abiertamente bisexual, pero ha dicho no ser ella la persona en el video sobre Remy Ma. Minaj fue descubierta en MySpace por el CEO de Dirty Money Fendi, que la contrató para su sello Dirty Money. Después de aparecer en la edición Carter en DVD de Young Money's The Come Up, Minaj fue contactada por Lil Wayne Los dos colaboraron en una serie de pistas mixtas. En abril de 2007, lanzó su primer mixtape, Playtime Is Over, donde aparece como una muñeca Barbie en la portada. Lil Wayne apareció en la canción "Can't Stop, Won't Stop". En 2008, Minaj lanzó su mixtape, Sucka Free. Ella apareció en la edición de julio de la revista XXL, dando aparece una breve reseña de su vida hasta ese punto. Más tarde ese año, Minaj ganó el premio de Artista Femenina del Año en Underground Music Awards. Nicki Minaj lanzó Beam Me Up Scotty, otro mixtape, en 2009. Se recibió una cobertura en general positiva en ambos BET y MTV. Minaj también aparece en el álbum Beauty Killer de Jeffree Star en el tema "Lollipop Luxury".

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Finally... Some of he's desings... ENJOY :)

WARNING: The following images might be unsuitable for some viewers...
(Just kidding :P haha)


AND THOSE WERE SOME OF MY FAVORITE... Hope you liked them ;)

Speaking about David&Goliath.... Who's Todd Goldman? :O^2

He's the guy that came up with the idea for David and Goliath. Todd started doodling and next thing ya know, David and Goliath. It's like the evolution of man, people know it happened but they just don't care how, its the end result that really counts. Nowadays besides the typical David & Goliath products, Todd's doodles have made there way onto many other things. Like books, lithographs and original paintings to name a few. His first book "Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks At Them" was a huge success, and the second book, "Girls are weirdos" just hit the bookstands. He has also made a jump into the art world. His paintings and lithographs are shown in many galleries around the globe. Todd is now working on an animated cartoon series for television! Todd has one simple philosophy. Make people laugh! Whether they're laughing at him or with him, he doesn't care, just as long as they're laughing.


Who's David And Goliath? :O

Well it's a good thing you asked. David and Goliath just so happens to be a leading apparel designer, manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. We make stupid stuff, so you don't have to. T-shirts, lounge wear, and fashion apparel that is mixed with our unique blend of attitude and sense of humor. With a growing collection of characters and sayings on soft fabric and great treatments, David and Goliath is light years ahead of the wanna-be competition and we don't have plans on letting up.

With a focus on the 14-24 girl's age group, David and Goliath has carved a customer niche that is forged in love and stupidity. And we have it down to a stupid science. And now we are branching more into the 18-30 men's fashion apparel market with Goliath by David and Goliath. We are all really excited, in fact almost too excited. Let me calm down here, where's that brown paper bag at? Breathe.

David and Goliath was founded in 2000 by Todd Goldman and his original T-shirt line quickly expanded into hundreds of products including sleepwear, fashion accessories, and stationary. In November of 2003 David & Goliath expanded into retail partnerships and quickly racked up 15 stores worldwide in less than four short years. How stupid is that?